4.5 Nonemergency Services
For routine, symptomatic, beneficiary-initiated outpatient appointments for primary preventive medical care, the request-to-appointment time must be no greater than 30 days, unless the member requests a later time. For routine, symptomatic, beneficiary-initiated outpatient appointments for nonurgent primary medical care, the request-to-appointment time must be no greater than four to six weeks, unless the member requests a later time. Primary medical, including dental care outpatient appointments for urgent conditions, must be available within 48 hours.
For specialty outpatient referral and/or consultation appointments, the request-to-appointment time must be consistent with the clinical urgency but no greater than 21 days, unless the member requests a later time. For outpatient scheduled appointments, the time the member is seen must not be more than 45 minutes after the scheduled time, unless the member is late. For routine outpatient diagnostic laboratory, diagnostic imaging and other testing appointments, the request-to-appointment time must be consistent with the clinical urgency but no greater than 14 days, unless the member requests a later time. For urgent outpatient diagnostic laboratory, diagnostic imaging and other testing, appointment availability will be consistent with the clinical urgency but no greater than 48 hours. The timing of scheduled follow-up outpatient visits with practitioners must be consistent with the clinical need.