To download a copy of Utilization Management FAQ, click here.
IntegraNet Health through our agreement with Amerivantage/Amerigroup & SCAN Health–all Medicare Advantage Plans for members of our Primary Care Physicians are delegated to IntegraNet Health for Utilization Management.
Providers are solely responsible for and are strongly encouraged to verify authorization requirements prior to rendering service.
Benefits of Portal Use
Allows providers to
Prior authorizations denied for lack of medical necessity will be notified by phone of the determination and peer to peer with the Utilization Management Medical Director will be offered. Providers who wish to initiate peer to peer, have 24 hours from time of the notification to request peer review. Peer review can be scheduled by calling (281) 447-6800.
Appeals for administrative denials (i.e. failure to obtain prior authorization, inappropriate level of care, late notification, or referral to an out of network provider) are to be submitted to:
Appeals for lack of medical necessity denials are to be submitted to:
For a Fast Appeal
For a Standard Appeal
Amerigroup - Medicare
Complaints, Appeals, & Grievances
4361 Irwin Simpson Rd., Mailstop OH025-A537
Mason, OH 45040
Scan Health:
For a Fast Appeal
For a Standard Appeal
Attn: Grievance and Appeals Department
P.O. Box 22644
Long Beach, CA 90801-5644
Verda Healthcare of Texas:
For a Fast Appeal
For a Standard Appeal
*Phone: 1-888-256-5123
*Fax: 1-714-845-9839
Verda Healthcare
7755 Center Ave., Ste. 1200
Huntington Beach, CA 92647