9 Hospital and Elective Admission Management
9 Hospital and Elective Admission Management
IntegraNet requires precertification of all inpatient elective admissions. The referring PCP or specialist physician is responsible for precertification.
The referring physician identifies the need to schedule a hospital admission and must submit the request to the IntegraNet Health Utilization Management Services department.
Requests for precertification with all supporting documentation should be submitted immediately upon identifying the inpatient request or at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled admission. This will allow IntegraNet to verify benefits and process the precertification request. For services that require prior authorization, IntegraNet makes case-by-case determinations that consider an individual’s health care needs and medical history, in conjunction with nationally recognized standards of care.
Physician Portal
The IntegraNet physician portal is the preferred method for the submission of preauthorization requests for providers requesting inpatient and outpatient medical services for members. Additionally, providers can use this tool to make inquiries on previously submitted requests regardless of how they were sent (phone, fax, or online portal).
To register for the portal, visit https://www.integranethealth.com/provider-registration
For an optimal experience with the portal Google Chrome is recommended. It is also recommended to clear the cache on a regular basis (browsing history).
For the below services, contact Amerivantage directly:
Our website will be updated as additional functionality and lines of business are added throughout the year.
Hospitals can confirm a precertification is on file using the portal or by calling Utilization Services at 281-591-5289 or 888-292-1923.
IntegraNet Health accepts electronic notifications of admission 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The preferred method of electronic submission is through the IntegraNet Health Provider Portal at www.InetDr.com. Providers should contact the health plan directly for all inquiries regarding eligibility and benefits to accept precertification requests through the portal.
The precertification nurse will review the coverage request and the supporting medical documentation to determine the medical appropriateness of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. When appropriate, the precertification nurse will assist the physician in identifying alternatives for health care delivery as supported by the medical director.
When the clinical information received is in accordance with the definition of medical necessity and in conjunction with nationally recognized standards of care, an IntegraNet reference number will be issued to the referring physician. All utilization guidelines must be supported by an individualized determination of medical necessity based on the member’s needs and medical history.
If medical necessity criteria for the admission are not met on the initial review, the Medical Director will contact the requesting physician to discuss the case.
If the precertification documentation is incomplete or inadequate, the precertification nurse will notify the referring provider to submit the additional necessary documentation.
If the Medical Director denies coverage of the request, the appropriate denial letter, including the appropriate appeal rights, will be mailed to the member and provider.
Member liability for inpatient admissions will be assigned only:
Participating providers will be held liable for all other inpatient denials issued. Any subsequent appeals should follow the correct process as outlined in the denial letter.